The Lammy Review was published in 2017. To mark 3 years since its publication, the Prisoners’ Education Trust in England recently held a webinar attended by almost 200 people, in which David Lammy spoke about his disappointment at the lack of progress relating to his 35 recommendations to develop trust, fairness and responsibility in the Criminal Justice System. He said that disproportionality is still endemic and he urged everyone to do their bit to address this.
A recording of the session can be seen here :
Across England and Wales, people from minority ethnic backgrounds are breaking through barriers. More students from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds are achieving in school and going to university.
The Lammy Review looks at the over representation of BAME prisoners and seek ideas for reintegration.
BAME youth entering prison were less likely to be recorded as at risk of self-harm, or to have problems with their physical or mental health. They were less likely to be recorded as having learning difficulties, to be disengaged with education.