Bologna (Italy): Use of local tv in prison education

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News from CPIA Bologna (Italy); Centro Provinciale Istruzione Adulti (Provincia Centre for Adult Education)

The CPIA schools are provider of prison education in Italy. Since April 13, CPIA Metropolitano di Bologna used radio for prison education, but they are stepping up to use tv.

They report:

An educational project through television conceived, produced and implemented by the Metropolitan CPIA of Bologna in collaboration with a regional institution for prisoners.

The program is aired daily from 27 April to 31 May 2020 from Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 10:00

LepidaTV is visible not only on digital terrestrial channel 118, but also on Sky channel 5118, on the Lepida TV website ( and on the Lepida YouTube channel.

During 25 episodes lasting 30 minutes each, contents related to five general area courses in the following order: social studies (Monday), Italian, (Tuesday), mathematics / sciences (Wednesday), literacy for foreigners (Thursday), English language (Friday).

The lessons are aimed at students held in prison in school; it is also aimed at the external public who frequent the CPIA courses, mainly composed of adults and young adults.

Full Story:

The pictures below show how CPIA works in the Juvenile prison of Nisida near Napels.