General Council 2019

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It’s a pleasure to invite all EPEA members to the next EPEA General Council meeting:

Technological University Dublin, Aungier Street, Dublin, during the 17th official EPEA conference
on Friday 14th of June 08:30 – 09:30

What is General Council?
General Council is an integral part of the organisation of the EPEA. It is a public forum that serves to dictate policy, agree rules and principles, and generally influence the direction of the association in accordance with the EPEA Constitution.

When does it happen?
According to the constitution, General Council must be convened at least once every two years, and it normally takes place during the EPEA Conference because that is when most
members are gathered together

Who is it for?
The General Council is comprised of Liaison Persons (LPs) from those countries that have Liaison Persons and also the EPEA Officers (Chair, Secretary, Treasurer). All EPEA members
can attend, but only the mentioned LPs and Officers can vote.

What is it for?
General Council is the official public forum

  • to account for the work of the Steering Committee’
  • to account for money received and spent’
  • to adopt changes to the Constitution of the EPEA

What will happen at the 2019 General Council?

Officers’ Reports
During the General Council meeting, the officers of the EPEA submit an account of their activities since the previous General Council to assure members of the smooth running of the organisation and provide a public review of their work. They also answer questions or queries from members.

Proposals for alterations of the EPEA Constitution.

Votation procedures at the General Council for Liaisons Persons
There will be NO postal ballot – only Liaison Persons who are present at the meeting can vote. There is however a possibility to give your voting right to another person.

A. If you are the Liaison Person in your country and you are coming to the conference, everything is fine. You just come to the General Council meeting where the voting will take place.
N.B. Liaison Persons can only vote if the membership/branch they are representing are fully paid. The Treasurer of the EPEA will be on hand to confirm up to date membership payments.

B. If you are the Liaison Person in your country and you are NOT coming to the conference you have two choices:

1. If the second Liaison Person in your country will be at the conference you can instruct them to vote on your behalf by signing a letter that authorizes this (SEE instructions below)


2. If you are the only Liaison Person in your country or if none of the LPs are attending the conference, you can instruct an EPEA member from your country who is attending the conference to vote on your behalf by signing a letter that authorizes this (SEE instructions below)
Letter to authorize someone else to vote on your behalf (as described under B.):

If you are giving your voting rights according to one of the two methods listed under B, this is what you have to do:
1. write and sign an authorization letter
2. make sure that this letter is either
– handed directly to the Secretary of the EPEA before General Council votation takes place
– scanned and sent by email to the Secretary by 12th of June:
Please do not hesitate to send your questions to