IDEP 2020 in Portugal

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Before October 13, the APEnP team prepared the celebration of IDEP. Our idea was to develop bookmarks for students containing each of the recommendations of the Council of Europe (CoE) on Prison Education.

In order to put this idea into practice, a printable bookmark was designed. Thus, an introductory text on the front, explaining CoE recommendation No. R(89)12, and a recommendation to be glued on the back (as example, see Rec 1 above) made up each of the 17 bookmarks.

On October 13, an email was sent out to prisons and schools inviting educators to celebrate IDEP using the bookmarks (introductory text and the 17 recommendations attached).

Our idea had a twofold objective. In addition to having a didactic purpose, for which a classroom activity was suggested (see below), it was also our intention to draw people’s attention to the importance of Education’s role in the prison context.

Suggested activity

. A set of printed sheets (containing the introductory text and the recommendations) should be brought to the classroom and handed out to students.

. Students should complete the 17 bookmarks (the introductory text and each recommendation still need to be cut out and glued together).

. Then, the teacher asks students to reflect on the recommendations and identify their strong and weak aspects (this activity can be done individually or in small groups).

. Lastly, a debate should be promoted on how the celebration of IDEP can impact the prison community and, to a greater extent, on how Education can effectively contribute to social reintegration.


The feedback we have received was excellent. Educators applauded the initiative and encouraged us to continue our work. We have also been asked to produce more material related to Prison Education with teaching value.