Klasbak Kick-off – Mechelen Belgium – 8 December 2017

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Members and partners were invited to reflect on the vision and some of it’s central themes

EPEA was invited to give a presentation during this month’s Kick off meeting of our Belgian Branch “Klasbak”.

Klasbak is Flandres Adult Education providers consortium focussed on and providing education in prisons. It turned out to be a very inspiring meeting, with many good friends attending that I met earlier in Vienna at our own Conference.

Klasbak presented it’s newly defined vision on prison education to her members. There was a nice atmosphere with serious attendees that participated very actively in the workshops that were organised.

I would like to congratulate Klasbak on organising this succesfull event that opened many people’s eyes about prison education. They had brought together a wide range of stakeholders, from teachers to prison managers, a representative of the Ministery of Education and many more.

It was nice to inform the audience about the role and structure of the EPEA, which appeared to be, – how could it not be??- very much the same as Klasbak’s role and structure. We will hopefully soon have Klasbak’s vision available on our website; it might be helpful for other branches to have a close look at this document and who knows what interesting discussion amongst branches will follow!!!









members and partners were invited to reflect on the vision and some of it’s central themes