Lire et Ecrire Request for Information

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Lire et Ecrire, an EAEA member from French-speaking Belgium, is looking for information on how national ESF agencies collect data about participants in activities financed by the European Social Fund.

The Belgian French-speaking agency indeed requires organisations to collect private data on participants such as: whether they are prisoners or former-prisoners, whether they have addictions, whether they are foreigners, their housing situation, etc.

While the data can be sent to agency in an aggregated form, not mentioning the names of the participants, collecting this data is a challenge for Lire et Ecrire because it must ask individuals directly and therefore risks breaching their privacy. Moreover, when the activities financed by the Fund are training for its employees, Lire et Ecrire risks breaching labour law by asking such information to workers.

The collection of this data is compulsory under Annex I and II of ESF Regulation 1304/2013 (link here). However, Lire et Ecrire would like to know how this is implemented in each country.

  1. Have organisations collected this information?
  2. What precise information must they collect?
  3. Are people allowed not to provide this information?
  4. Under what conditions? Is this a problem for you?
  5. Has there been any debate on this issue in your country?

Lire et Ecrire would be grateful if you could contact them an tell them about how this is implemented in your country.

Contact person: Antoine Daratos


Tel. : +32 2 502 72 01

Mobile : +32 485 51 26 30