of EU-sponsored Projects Relevant to Prison Education, 1995-2004

Contained within this compendium are the details of how the ICCEPE project came about and the activities involved. But it should be noted that this is not a report of the ICCEPE project rather it is a compendium of EU-sponsored projects undertaken in the past, as well as ongoing projects, each of which has dealt with varying aspects of prison education. In this capacity it serves to both disseminate and promote prison education-based projects. In addition, the establishment of a web-based contact forum for sourcing perspective partners for future projects is also an essential aspect of the ICCEPE project and detailed information on this is contained within. Thus this document can be seen as a useful resource for all EPEA members and those considering involvement in EU-funded projects in the future.

On behalf of the ICCEPE Project Partners, we hope this compendium can in some way reflect the support and help of those mentioned above.

Valentina Petrova (Project Co-ordinator,
SEEC) Anne Costelloe (IPEA)
Gisle Grahl-Jacobsen (FOKO)