Lifelong Membership
Members which have contributed to the growth of the EPEA or served the EPEA in a significant way are rewarded with a lifetime membership by the Steering Committee.
The EPEA has honored the following members:
- At the 20th EPEA Conference in Tønnsberg 2023
- Per Thrane, Denmark
- At the 19th EPEA Conference in Dublin
- Caroline Eggelstone, USA
- At the 15th EPEA Conference in Antwerp
- Alan Smith, UK/Belgium
- At the 58th annual conference of the Danish
Prison Teacher Association, March 2010- Kaj Raundrup, Denmark
- At the 12th EPEA Conference in Cyprus
- Janine Duprey-Kennedy, France
- At the 11th EPEA Conference in Dublin
- Svenolov Svenson, Sweden
- Torfinn Langelid, Norway
- Robert Suval, Netherlands
- Kevin Warner, Rep of Ireland