Virtual European Prison School (2007-2008)
Reference Number: 133878-2007-NO-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
The Virtual European Prison School (VEPS) Project was developed through the Lifelong Learning Program – Grundtvig Multilateral Projects of the European Union. The project’s broad aims were to increase participation and widen access to education in European prisons. Its primary actions involved the transnational transfer of best existing practice and the establishment of a web-based Virtual Prison School.
The project lasted from October 2007 to December 2008 and involved a wide range of prison educators from across Europe. The coordinating partner was European Prison Education Association (EPEA). The other project partners were prison education services, organisations and bodies from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, England, France, Greece, Ireland, Norway and Sweden.
Financing the project
The estinated total eligeble cost is EUR 62.800,00 and the Commission contribute a maximum of EUR 40.341,00, equivalent to 64,24% of the estimted total cost.
The aims of the project
The main objectives of this project are
- to take stock of all projects supported under Grundtvig, Comenius, Lingua whose objectives concerns concrete aspects of prison education
- to give a high profile to the best practices and project products
- to draw a general conclusion from all projects
- to disseminate the results of previous projects among prison educators and other involved in prison education on the International Conference “Challenges for European Prison Education”
- to assess the conference and disseminating activities at national / local level
- to organize an experience-sharing and stock-taking session among all closed or running projects concerning the education in prisons and supported within the framework of the Socrates program.
- to prepare a Conference Report including the collected projects, their results and the best practices
- to evaluate the impact of an around activity at national / local level
Chairpersion Anne Costello summarize VEPS
EAEA Award for best project
EPEA won the annal Grundtvig Award established by the European Adult Education Association in 2009 for being the best European project of the year.