Prison education in England and Wales – March 3, 2021

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The Outgoing Chief Exec at the Prisoners’ Education Trust UK, Rod Clark, is speaking at a webinar,

Wednesday, 3rd March at 3pm CET time / 2pm GMT time.

He will be reflecting on prison education in England and Wales over the last 8 years.

About Rod Clark from the PET website

Rod Clark

Rod joined PET as its CEO in 2013. Prior to that he built a career in the Civil Service, including a spell as principal private secretary to Alistair Darling MP. He was involved in planning the merger of the National Offender Management Service into the Ministry of Justice, and was Chief Executive of the Civil Service’s internal training organisation, the National School of Government.

Rod sat on the expert panel for Dame Sally Coates’ review of prison education and also sits on the Reducing Reoffending Third Sector Advisory Group (RR3).