Voting forms received by the secretary of EPEA, José Pinto, was counted at an online session witnessed by members at the 17th of September 2020. José Pinto and APEnP member, Armando Loureiro, counted the forms.
The Vienna Constitution of November 2017 was fully adopted.
Voting results
108 voting forms were counted.
Proposal 1:
Full membership is open to individuals and organisations involved in the field of prison education, or in related areas with prisoners or ex-prisoners, in Europe. Associate membership is open to others.
YES: 106/98% – NO: 0/0% – BLANK: 2/2%
Proposal 2:
Postal or electronic ballots shall be restricted to full members as follows:
YES: 107/99% – NO: 0/0% – BLANK: 1/1%
Proposal 3:
a) All the elections within the association shall be by secret ballot, physical or electronic 1 , and by means of the single transferable vote.
b) Only members of the EPEA can run for elections
YES: 107/99% – NO: 0/0% – BLANK: 1/1%
Proposal 4:
Branches: (iv) each country may only have one branch
YES: 101/94% – NO: 4/4% – BLANK: 3/3%
Proposal 5:
Each region will have one Regional Representative elected to the Steering Committee from among the members of the constituent countries of that region. The Regional Representatives will be elected by each regions Liaison Persons and serve the SC for a period of three years. If there is no concluding outcome of this election procedure, the SC will decide who will serve as the Regional Representative.
YES: 103/95% – NO: 3/3% – BLANK: 2/2%
Proposal 6:
The General Council shall consist of the two liaison persons from each affiliated country’s branch
together with the officers of the association.
YES: 69/64% – NO: 39/36% – BLANK: 1/1%
Proposal 7:
The Steering Committee shall consist of officers elected by a postal or electronic ballot of members and the Regional Representatives
The Officers will be:
1. The Chairperson
2. The Secretary
3. The Treasurer
YES: 107/99% – NO: 0/0% – BLANK: 1/1%
Proposal 8:
No one member can serve more than 6 consecutive years in the same position in the SC (except for the Chair who can serve to a maximum of 7 years) without taking a subsequent break of 3 years before being allowed to take part in any re-election. If a Steering Committee member leaves before reaching their maximum term they may return after an absence of 3 years.
YES: 62/57% – NO: 46/43% – BLANK: 0/0%
Proposal 9:
The Steering Committee can grant lifelong membership to those individuals who have significantly
contributed to the growth and formation of the EPEA.
YES: 106/98% – NO: 1/1% – BLANK: 1/1%