Strengthening European Cooperation in Prison Education and Training

The conference, “Pathways to lnclusion – strengthening European cooperation in Prison Education and training” was held between 22 and 24 February 2010 i Budapest Hungary

The conference had the following objectives:

  • to draw together some of the main outcomes of the initiatives supported by European funds;
  • to foster the mainstreaming of good practices by drawing them to the attention ofpolicy-makers
  • to promote networking and exchange of experiences between organisations and key individuals working in this field;
  • to identify future needs for European cooperation in this area, in the light of overall
  • policy trends.

The main emphasis of the conference was on demonstrating the results of projects and partnerships funded through the European Union’s Lifelonq Learninq prosramme (LLP), particularly the Grundtviq programme, as well as the former Community lnitiative ‘EQUAL” and other European initiatives, with a view to pooling expertise and promoting the development of a sustainable European community of experience in this area.
