PRIMEDIA – ICT & Multimedia Tools for Prison Education
The overall aims of the PriMedia Network, financed by the LifeLongLearning Programme Gruntvig, is to identify current good practice in the application of ICT & multimedia in offender learning, including in-depth evaluation of the effectivity of specific examples; to test their potential application in a variety of prison contexts; and to exploit and disseminate good practice in prison education across Europe and beyond. The main objectives of the Network are to:
1. Create an ongoing European network to promote ICT and multimedia in offender learning
2. Encourage the use of ICT and the new technologies as part of the delivery of key competences in offender learning
3. Promote the use of new technologies in adult prison education in centres where they have not previously been used, especially in eastern Europe
4. Encourage inmates to get involved in ICT and multimedia as part of their prison education.
5. Encourage links between prison educators and ICT & multimedia practitioners
The Network identifies current practice and methods in using new technologies of benefit to delivering prison education, and will organize workshops, courses and seminars in different European countries promoting effective practice in using ICT and multimedia to support prison education, including film & video showings and exhibitions of photographic work.