General Council Meeting

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EPEA General Council

Friday 16th June 2023

 It’s a pleasure to invite all EPEA members to the next EPEA General Council meeting to be held at Hotel Klubben in Tønsberg, Norway, during the 18th official EPEA conference.

on Friday 16th June 2023 8.30 – 9.45am CEST

The General Council meeting will be streamed live and the link will be published here.

What is General Council?
General Council is an integral part of the organisation of the EPEA. It is a public forum that serves to dictate policy, agree rules and principles, and generally influence the direction of the association in accordance with the EPEA Constitution.  According to the constitution, General Council must be convened at least once every two years. Due to Covid, our last General Council meeting was actually in Dublin in June 2019.

Who is it for?
Membership of the EPEA General Council is comprised of Liaison Persons, with 2 representatives from each country that has an EPEA branch and also the Officers (Chair, Treasurer, Secretary) of the association. All members of the EPEA can attend General Council, but only the above mentioned have the possibility to vote.

What is it for?
General Council is the official public forum

  • to account for the work of the Steering Committee
  • to account for money received and spent
  • to adopt changes to the Constitution of the EPEA

What will happen at the 2023 General Council?

Officers’ Reports
During the General Council meeting, the [interim] officers of the EPEA will submit an account of their activities since the previous General Council to assure members of the smooth running of the organisation and provide a public review of their work. They will also answer questions or queries from members.

The General Council can agree on changes or amendments to the constitution of the EPEA. This year, there are no proposed changes to the EPEA Constitution.

Information about 2023 elections

The Steering Committee roles of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer will be up for election in 2023. We will hear from the candidates for the roles of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and voting for these posts will open after the General Meeting. Voting will be via electronic link which will be sent to all EPEA members.

Regional Representatives for the Southern and Eastern regions will be elected by the Liaison Persons from the respective regions.


Please read the full General Council agenda with attachments: (web links to be inserted when documents are ready)

– EPEA General Council Agenda 

– Finances and membership overview  

– EPEA Activity report covering the period 2019-23 

For queries concerning the General Council and the agenda, please email: