COVID-19 measures in Norwegian prisons: Concerned for the mental health of prisoners

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Oslo Prison
Oslo Prison

Lise Sannerud, director of the Prison and Probation Service, is aware that the measures impose restrictions on prisoners. She is nevertheless aware that it needs to protect employees and inmates.

Sannerud says there is a great extra effort to make the days easier for the prisoners. Libraries should be kept open as far as possible, and self-training and DVD rentals should be arranged at the cell.

The prisons must also arrange for prisoners to work on school assignments and to take academic exams.

The Prison and Probation Service has also worked to reduce the number of prisoners in Norwegian prisons, as an infection control measure (see fact box above).

In addition, 800 tablets have been purchased, which inmates can use to keep in touch with the outside world.

Prisoners in Oslo Prison say the tablets are welcome, although they cannot replace physical visits.If there is anything positive that can come out of this, it is that you have gone through a technological revolution in a very short time, says prison manager Finstad.

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