Reintergrational work in prisons’ in Budapest

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Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem

Projekt száma: KÖFOP-2.1.2-VEKOP-15-2016-00001
Projekt címe: A jó kormányzást megalapozó közszolgálat-fejlesztés

to the international Conference of the correctional ludovika Advantaged research workshop

“Reintegrational work in prisons”


Date and time: May 15, 2018. 1pm-6pm


Venue:                         National University of Public Service,

                                    Low Enforcement Education Building and Dormitory

                                    Multifunctional room

                                    Budapest, 1089. Diószegi Sámuel street 38-42.



12:30 –13:00           Registration of the participants

13:00 – 13:05          Welcome speech: Dr. József Boda ns. major-general (ret) – dean of the NUPS Faculty of Law Enforcement

13:05 – 13:10          Greetings: Major General János Schmehl Deputy Director General, Security and Incarceration

13:10 – 14:45          Presentations:

Prof.Dr. Peter Ruzsonyi PhD. –  Worldwide analysis of the prisoners’ reintegration

Gambadrach Tsend-Ayush – Reintegration of offenders in Mongolia

Annet Bakker –  The role and function of EPEA (European Prison Education Association)

Dr.Joseph Giordmaina – és Dr, Joseph Borg –  Philosophy and practice of resettlement of offenders in Malta.

14:45 – 15-15          Coffebreak

15:20 – 17:00          Presentations:

Dr. Daniele Alborghetti PhD. – The importance of the training an Italian prison from the perspective on a prison leader.

Dr. József Pallo PhD. – Era of change and idea of reintegration in 1993.

Dr. Daniel Muranyi PhD.  – Prison Education is Romania

Prof Dr. Liesbeth de Donder és Dr. Dorien Bronsens  – Helicopter view of foreign national prisoners’ participation possibilities in prison in Flanders and Brussels

17:00 – 18:00          Cold buffet reception


Previous registration in the following link::
